Abstract | Zagađenje vode povezano je s geološkim karakteristikama nalazišta vode, ali i industrijskom i ljudskom djelatnošću. Obzirom na važnost vode za živi svijet bitno je vodu što manje zagaditi, a ako je već zagađena adekvatno ju pročistiti. Jedno od značajnih zagađenja vode je zagađenje teškim metalima. Ulaskom u vodeni ekosustav, teški metali u njemu kruže i vrlo često se akumuliraju. Teški metali koji su izrazito toksični su arsen, olovo, živa, kadmij, krom, bakar i nikal. Obzirom na njihov izrazito negativan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje u smislu prolaznih smetnji, ali i mutacija i letalnih ishoda neophodno ih je ukloniti iz vode. Uklanjanje se može provesti različitim metodama, poput koagulacije i flokulacije, kemijskog taloženja, flotacije, ionske izmjene, elektrokemijske metode i adsorpcije. Odabir metode ovisi o različitim čimbenicima: vrsti teških metala i njihovoj koncentraciji u vodi, temperaturi i pH vrijednosti vode i sl. U ovom završnom radu dat je pregled najčešćih teških metala, njihove toksičnosti kao i pregled najčešćih metoda za uklanjanje teških metala. |
Abstract (english) | Water pollution is related to the geological characteristics of the water site, but also to industrial and human activity. Considering the importance of water for the living world, it is important to pollute the water as little as possible, and if it is already contaminated, adequately purify it. One of the significant water pollution is heavy metal pollution. When they enter the aquatic ecosystem, heavy metals circulate and accumulate very often. Heavy metals that are highly toxic are arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper and nickel. Considering their extremely negative impact on human health in terms of transient disturbances, but also of mutations and lethal outcomes, it is necessary to remove them from the water. Removal may be carried out by various methods, such as coagulation and flocculation, chemical precipitation, flotation, ion exchange, electrochemical method and adsorption. The choice of method depends on various factors: the type of heavy metals and their concentration in water, temperature and pH of the water, etc. This final thesis provides an overview of the most common heavy metals, their toxicity, and an overview of the most common heavy metal removal methods. |